Reversal of Medication Abortions:

Initial research will focus on the reversal of mifepristone abortions, the most common type of medical abortion in the United States and other Western countries. To date, Dr. Delgado’s research in this area (authorship or co-authorship) includes three articles on abortion pill reversal in the peer reviewed medical literature. His latest article details 261 successful mifepristone reversal cases. However, to convince the healthcare community of the efficacy and safety of abortion pill reversal, Dr. Delgado is designing a clinical randomized control trial (RCT) study; it will compare leading progesterone protocols regarding efficacy and side effects to determine the best reversal method.

Psychology of Choosing Mifepristone Abortions and Reversals:

The same study above will examine the psychology of women and couples regarding crisis pregnancy choices and assist counselors in their work.

Study of Other Medications Used for Abortions, Including Methotrexate:

Methotrexate, primarily used to treat ectopic pregnancy, is used occasionally to abort intrauterine pregnancies. Data on some methotrexate reversal cases have already been collected.

Brain Effects of Mifepristone and Progesterone Reversal (in pregnant rats):

Learning more of the basic science will help guide future clinical trials in humans.

Efficacy of Progesterone Alone Vs. Progesterone & Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (pregnant rats):

Another rat study will study the efficacy of a new medication protocol to increase mifepristone reversal success rates.

A Prostaglandin Receptor Blocker to Reverse Misoprostol, the Second Drug in a Mifepristone Medical Abortion (pregnant rats):

This would be a key study since no antidote currently exists. In some countries, the use of misoprostol alone for medical abortion is widespread.

Efficacy of Pro-active Outreach to Fathers:

Knowing whether or not early involvement of fathers of preborn babies in pregnancy resource center counseling affects women’s choices in crisis pregnancy is key to directing future strategies.

Effectiveness of Various Counseling Techniques in Crisis Pregnancy

Effectiveness and Cost of Various Social Media Techniques to Reach Women in Crisis Pregnancy

Effectiveness of Rachel’s Hope Intervention Compared to Pregnancy Center Counseling Alone, to Break Cycle of Repeat Abortion

Other Future Research Project Areas:

Physical and psychological effects of abortion; healing after abortion; euthanasia and physician assisted suicide; links between abortion and diseases, especially breast cancer and prematurity in subsequent pregnancies

COVID-19 Pandemic:

Steno Institute is supporting the research and development of an innovative, sophisticated, highly accurate Monte Carlo simulation model that can be applied to pandemics, including the COVID-19 outbreak. With accurate predictions, public policymakers will be informed and better able to make prudent decisions that protect life, respect liberties and preserve our economic and social structures. Visit

Research Results

will provide expanded and definitive clinical answers related to the effectiveness and safety of abortion pill reversal, identification of the most successful clinical protocols for abortion pill reversal, identification of the most successful intervention techniques for crisis pregnancies, expanded data on the physical and psychological impacts of abortion and the best techniques for healing, the relationship of contraceptive medications and abortions and some forms of cancer, and the risks of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide.

Improved Medical Care for Abortion Pill Reversal and Increased Access for Women

Steno Institute research, which would cement the safety and effectiveness of mifepristone abortion reversal in the opinion of the medical community, will expand women’s choice and ensure more women have access to reversal treatment in medical offices, clinics and emergency rooms. Moreover, further research will demonstrate safe and effective ways to reverse other types of medication abortion. Ultimately, the Institute may contribute to the universal acknowledgement and acceptance of medication abortion reversal.

Education and Public Policy

The Steno Institute, through its research, expertise and notoriety, will be able to offer expert opinion, grant media interviews and provide testimony in courts of law and in legislatures. Education of the medical community, academia, the public, legislatures and judges, will have a significant impact on creating a stronger ethos for life in all public opinion and policy. Educational tools will include a Steno Institute Speakers Bureau, Steno Institute newsletter, lectures and conferences on pro-life research and policy in conjunction with the Catholic Medical Association, the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists and other pro-life organizations.